


Jamie was a sweet and loving toddler who suffered from chronic respiratory failure along with a variety of other conditions. Jamie was fully dependent on his BiPAP machine and assortment of medications; however, he loved to be around his family and in the middle of the action. He also enjoyed playing at the park and […]

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Linae struggles daily with a serious and incurable condition caused by damage to her mitochondria. The condition restricts her to a wheelchair, but certainly doesn’t slow her down! Recently, through her own focus and hard work, this very intelligent young lady has found a love for astrophysics and quantum mechanics and her wish revolved around

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Vincent is an active little guy who is the light of his parent’s lives, and they were completely devastated when they heard his diagnosis of Neuroblastoma. Little Vinny continued to shine brightly and surpass some major milestones – including completing his cancer treatments with clear scans after 8 rounds of chemo and a surgery to

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Fifteen-year-old Julie is an outgoing, but quiet, young lady who suffers from a serious genetic disorder resulting in fragile & brittle bones; it also confines her to a wheelchair. Julie is a “family” girl and her condition also restricts her from participating in activities that are an important part of her family’s culture. Every weekend

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After doctors found cancer in his lymph nodes, spleen and lungs, eighteen-year-old, Finn, immediately started treatments and spent many, many days confined to a hospital or resting at home. Before the diagnosis, he was a very active kid who loved backpacking and the outdoors – so you can imagine how this news rocked his world.

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Zoe was born to loving parents with a diagnosis of Down’s syndrome and a condition known as Transient Myeloproliferative Disorder causing her lungs to enlarge two times the normal size. Brave Zoe encountered multiple rounds of low dose chemotherapy causing her challenges in breathing, trips to the operating room, and requiring intubation. Doctors found that

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Morgan was born on March 21st, 2017. She was a strong and feisty girl that kept her parents on their toes throughout many ultrasounds. Through unfair circumstances, this beautiful girl was born with a severe brain dysfunction which reduced the amount of oxygen flow to her brain. With grief, Morgan passed in the arms of

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Immediately after birth, Hazel was put on a ventilator and closely monitored. Hazel was born with a diaphragmatic hernia. This scary congenital defect caused Hazel’s stomach and intestines to be moved into her chest, shifting her heart to the right, leaving little room for her lungs to develop fully. After a valiant fight, on her

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6-month-old Owen sadly passed away in April due to his condition called CHARGE Syndrome which resulted in extensive medical and physical difficulties. Owen peacefully passed away in his mother’s arms after his health took a turn for the worse. His mother wrote: “Brad and I decided it was best for Owen to pass in a

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Grant is a sixteen-year old, struggling with a Mitochondrial Disease, who has a passion for projects and putting things together. He enjoys spending hours following directions and creating something “really cool.” He’s a LEGO pro and he hates to stop construction once he gets started and the bigger the better; consequently, his wish could not

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Hayley is a 16-year-old from Bloomington who had been experiencing unexplainable symptoms for months before a diagnosis of ALS. She had already lost her ability to speak when doctors were finally able to diagnose this terrifying condition. This teen’s focus and drive is amazing and the dignity and strength she displays in handling this devastating

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Miah is six years old with a rare genetic disorder called CDKL-5. This causes her to have seizures; and the inability to walk, talk, or feed herself due to the severe neurological impairments. Miah loves being active and outdoors but was restricted due to her wheelchair. Miah and her family wished for a deck so

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David is a 18-year-old who was diagnosed with Burkitt’s Lymphoma in March. He underwent many weeks of progressive chemotherapy and just recently he was proclaimed to be in remission!  David, an avid hunter and lover of the outdoors had a few really cool ideas for outdoor wishes but finally narrowed it down to an ATV

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Sweet little Rockii was born extremely premature and continued to battle serious medical issues that kept the tough fighter in the hospital for thirteen months. When mom finally heard she could take her precious, little guy home she realized that she didn’t even have a crib because he hasn’t been home since birth. Rockii’s mama

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Four-year-old Simon enjoys playing at the beach to collect seashells and adores dolphins. He’s active, cheerful and loves to run after bubbles. He especially enjoys hanging out with his brother and sister as they play together outdoors. Simon’s wish was to go on a Florida beach trip in the Sanibel area with his family. Simon’s

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At just one-year-old, Noah has undergone far too many hospital stays, treatments and studies.  Noah spent the first four months of his life in NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) and has a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy called Myotubular Myopathy. When Wishes & More met with Mom & Dad, they talked about providing a wish

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Hannah is a eighteen-year-old, first year at Normandale College awaiting a Kidney Transplant. Three days a week, Hannah spends her day getting dialysis. This schedule, and the complications of kidney failure, is exhausting and drains this sweet young lady of her strength. Unfortunately, this will remain her routine until she gets the long-awaited word that

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Hayden is a three-year-old who has been diagnosed with second chromosome deletion, which has caused 11 birth defects and health issues. Due to his diagnosis he is nonverbal and uses a feeding tube for nourishment. But despite his health conditions, Hayden is an active child and enjoys the outdoors, theatre, as well as circuses. However,

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Rylie is a 18-year-old battling Osteosarcoma. As you may remember, Rylie picked out her wish activities live on-stage at the Winter Ball in February and she chose parasailing, a sunset dolphin cruise and a deep sea fishing charter! She also selected a relaxing condo over a bustling hotel. This wasn’t only Rylie’s first flight, it

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Kaylee is a one-year-old from Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Kaylee suffers from a brain infection which causes fluid to build up on her brain. The fluids are drained by frequent surgeries. Kaylee is receiving a very unique wish, she is being recognized. When Wishes & More met with her parents, they had a few ideas. Ultimately,

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Lizzie is 7 years old, but physically, she is in the same developmental stage as a 3-month-old. This is due to multiple complex medical issues from her diagnosis of Pallister-Killian Syndrome. Lizzie receives a lot of physical therapy because of her condition, and one of the things that is very beneficial to her is being

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Having one child with serious medical conditions is hard to imagine but this family has two and we’re happy to provide a wish for both of them!   You may remember Christopher’s sister, Elizabeth, who received a wish to go on a cruise with her mom and sisters last year.  Now it’s Christopher’s turn to

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Kendal is a sweet 2-year-old who has been bravely fighting Leukemia her whole life. She and her twin sister, Kenedi, were both diagnosed with AML when they were 3 months old and their family was elated when their girls made it into remission. In early 2017, the family was in process of a move from

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Nora and Beatrice were both born with Chronic Lung Disease. These adorable twins started out fighting for their lives and enduring many long, nerve-racking hospital stays. Wishes & More first came into their little lives shortly after their birth and, unfortunately, the battle was too much for Beatrice’s fragile body and her passing resulted in

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