Memorial Stories

Freddy smiling


Frederick, or Freddy as his loving parents called him, had just made it to three months when he tragically passed away.  This little angel loved being the little brother to his siblings Stella, Wallace and Edith; his favorite spot was in the arms of his Mommy; and he warmed his Daddy’s heart with his smile.  […]

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Emmett smiling in his hospital bed


We had the pleasure of following Emmett’s medical journey from nearly the very beginning until the very end. This sweet boy came to Wishes & More about a year ago when he was waiting for a bone marrow transplant at Mayo. He had been diagnosed with a rare disease called XLP2, and his doctors expected

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Gabby was born in 2020 in the height of COVID.  She was an only child who was adored by her parents.  She not only loved music, dancing and “reading” books, she also indulged in chocolate chip cookies and popcorn.  Crafts, play-doh and bubbles were all at the top of her list;  as well as her

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Jonas is a little guy born with a big diagnosis. His heart disease affected his heart’s ability to pump blood efficiently through his little body and contributed to multiple surgeries in Jonas’s short life. Ultimately, it also contributed to his death. Mom wrote, “Our sweet Jonas loved being held and loved singing and talking with us. 

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One day shy of her six-month birthday Lolita’s parents had to say goodbye to their beautiful, blue-eyed baby girl.  Lolita endured open heart surgery and a number of debilitating complications stemming from RSV.  In the Memorial application, her parents poignantly wrote, “Lolita let her light shine brighter than the sun since the day she was born.

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The Memorial program at Wishes & More is a financial grant to parents who lose a child.  But it is more than a gift of money, it is a gift that comes from the heart of a community who cares and is symbolic of that community.  We recently gave that support to the family of Sawyer,

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MarcJon was a delightful young man with a vibrant personality. Unfortunately, he lost a battle with a very rare genetic condition called ROHHAD syndrome.  Despite his struggles, MJ found enjoyment in many things including simply being outdoors, exploring parks, and connecting with nature.  He also loved music and playtime and was known for sharing his

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Seventeen-year-old Ellis was known for his infectious laugh and his kindness to others. He loved spending time with family and expressing his zest for life in many encouraging ways. His plans and dreams included enrolling in the US Military and ultimately becoming an inventor of video games and a pastor.  All those dreams were shattered when he

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Sixteen-year-old Chloe endured much in her lifetime as it was punctuated with many seizures and medical procedures to alleviate them.  She overcame numerous obstacles and proved that her abilities far outweighed her disabilities.  She enjoyed school and many activities, and her parents shared, “A day with Chloe was filled with sass, literal translations of the

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Camille was born with a serious genetic disorder and as her parents celebrated her birth, they also received the devastating news that her life-expectancy was likely just a few months. This little fighter was absolutely adored by her parents and three siblings.  She had numerous hospital visitors who were able to hold her and see her sweet

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Precious Nora is the middle child of three.  She grew up on a farm in western MN and was known and cherished by her family and friends as a Princess Farm Girl!  She could often be found wearing high heels and a dress when she jumped on her bike or went for a Ranger ride

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At three-months-old, Sawyer’s parents received the heartbreaking news that their perfect baby boy had a very rare neurological and degenerative disorder.  His adoring Mom stayed home to be with him each and every day and gave him the best childhood she could!  He loved the outdoors, hiking and spending time at a Park Reserve just

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Recently, Wishes & More provided memorial funds to the  parents of a precious 6-month-old. This little angel was the youngest of four sisters and brought an incredible amount of joy to her household from day one.  Just days after enjoying her first Christmas, Ivanna took her final breath. Her heart wrenching obituary read, “Her wide

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One-year-old Peter fought for his life every day that he lived.  He not only had a very rare developmental condition, he also struggled with congenital heart disease and severe lung disease.  The family thought they were going to lose him at 2-weeks-old and prepared themselves for the worst at that time – but he battled

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Sharing stories of our memorial grants are always heartbreaking because each time the story ends with the passing of a child. However, Memorials gifts are an important service that we provide, and, to our knowledge, there is no other organization that provides these financial gifts to surviving parents. We also know that sharing the story

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A few days after Dahlia was born, her adoring parents learned that she had signs and symptoms consistent with a rare genetic condition called Walker Warburg Syndrome – a congenital muscular dystrophy and muscle eye brain disease.  Surgeries, breathing tubes, numerous tests & pokes, therapies and countless meetings with doctors, nurses and specialists all became

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With sparkling blue eyes and brilliant red hair, this little guy captures the heart of everyone.  And it’s heartbreaking to share that after 18-months of battling intractable epilepsy and a critical neurodevelopmental disorder, sweet Oliver passed away in March.  In his short life, he faced many difficulties which he fought with the loving support from his

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16-year-old Ashley, known for her playful sense of humor and love of dancing, was dealt a huge blow when she was diagnosed with a Diffuse Midline Glioma, an aggressive brain tumor. Her family – a particularly close knit set of five siblings and two remarkable parents – were shocked with the diagnosis and a daunting

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Adeline was a brave little heart warrior with a big personality. She was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect and fought every day like a brave heart warrior does. Sadly, she passed away before she could turn five. Adeline’s family will remember her as their princess that adored spending time with her sister and playing

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Little Ivy was born with a host of serious health complications and spent only two of her 13 months of life in her family home.  Wishes & More was not able to grant a wish for this little angel; however, our Memorial funds were given to the family immediately after her passing.  We share the

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Ava was born with a heart defect and she was only 3-months old when her loving parents waited in a surgical lounge while their precious little girl endured her first heart surgery. Ava also faced the challenges of having Down Syndrome but neither one stopped her from bringing joy and having her life filled with

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Parker’s life was changed after a series of doctor’s visits trying to figure out the source of his high fever. Eventually, he was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) and endured nine months of chemo treatments. After enduring the fight of his life, Parker sadly passed away at the age of four from the cancer

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Emari was diagnosed with AML last August and immediately underwent four rounds of chemo and a bone marrow transplant. Unfortunately, the aggressive treatments didn’t work, and cancer ruthlessly spread throughout her little body. It was at that point when the family reached out to make sure she was able to experience a wish. We immediately approved a wish for a

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Lindsey was a strong little girl, fighting for her life from day one. She was born with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy, yet her adoring family was always hopeful that she would exceed the doctor’s expectations. Sadly, she passed away at just three-months-old. Her “big” brother Logan was always her biggest fan and he loved to snuggle

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