One-of-a-Kind Wishes



A heartfelt thank you note is never expected, but it is so rewarding to receive. A recent message we received was a beautiful reminder that our charity is an important and impactful part of our family’s lives during very emotional and difficult days.  We hope you enjoy Laney’s Mom’s words:  “Your team made the whole […]

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Kelly after a successful hunt

Kelly – After the Wish!

We’re excited to periodically take a look back at past wishes and we’d like to take the opportunity to share Kelly’s journey “After the Wish!”  You may remember Kelly from her on-stage debut at the Winter Ball in 2014 when she found out that her wish to go deer hunting with her favorite television huntress,

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Sam is a bright young woman who loves sports and excels in playing soccer! She was diagnosed with cancer in high school and, as you can imagine,  it turned her world upside down. Despite her battles, her faith and positive attitude helped her overcome this unexpected challenge and she is now in her first year

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Sixteen-year-old Abby has been challenged with a serious Type 1, juvenile-onset diabetes mellitus that is very difficult to control, which makes every day an opportunity for a life-threatening scenario. During one episode, Abby’s levels went so low during the night, that her parents had to rush her to the emergency room to save her life. The

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Frankie has a blast when she can explore freely – and her family loves when they can avoid telling her “no.” However, she has little to no concept of boundaries, so her parents have the challenge of keeping her safe while allowing her to have fun being independent. This little lady has Down Syndrome, coupled

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After visiting her doctor because of a persistent cough and itchiness, Sierra underwent tests for asthma which revealed something restricting her breathing.  No one imagined the severity of the issue until she went in for an x-ray, which showed a huge mass on her chest.  Her diagnosis was Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Nausea and sickness took their

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Nine-year-old Andy has a rare, progressive and degenerative central nervous system disorder that deteriorates coordination, motor abilities, and cognitive function. His mobility is restricted by where his motorized wheelchair can take him. He lives on a big lot in Ham Lake and he loves visiting his grandparents farm. Unfortunately, he is unable to go into

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Evan has battled a congenital heart disorder every day of his eighteen years of life. He is a triplet from Rochester and his close-knit family cherishes the time they spend together. In addition to his interest in keeping up with professional sports teams from the NBA, NFL and MLS; he also enjoys video games and has

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We are proud to tout this speedy wish for 12-year-old Bryce from Rosemount.  Bryce has serious respiratory issues that have caused active airway disease in addition to dwarfism.  Regardless of the issues surrounding his ability to breathe normally, he is an active kid and one of his 14 siblings(!) shares his passion for exotic cars. 

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15-year-old Rob was an outgoing, playful young man – until last November when he was tragically diagnosed with a high grade brain tumor. He was immediately treated with aggressive therapy, but the cancer had already metastized and there was nothing more that could be done to save his life. He was no longer home in

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All things are not created equal for siblings and that goes for triplets as well. Victor, a triplet from Columbia Heights, was born with a rare syndrome called Polymicrogyria that, among other things, causes epileptic episodes. This sweet 10-year-old shares many things with his brothers, but fortunately they don’t share this diagnosis. As Victor has gotten

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Cazen is a precocious young teen from Austin, MN who loves everything from hunting for fossils, metal detecting and panning for gold – to playing video games and having Nerf wars. Cazen has B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and throughout his treatment, he was able to put a lot of thought into his wish. He carefully

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Samy is incredibly strong, but it isn’t the kind of strength that comes from the gym. It’s a strength from within. He also has an abundance of grit and resilience from a battlefield that was a result of remarkably serious birth defects. This 19-year-old has endured more than we can imagine as a result of

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Reuven is a teenager from New Hope who came to us in 2018 after receiving a diagnosis of a Brain Tumor.  This young man is very spiritual and his Jewish heritage is held very closely to his identity and heart. He attends a Jewish boarding school to fully immerse in his studies and, consequently, told

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On December 31st, 2020 after experiencing a fever that she just couldn’t kick, Anja was admitted to Children’s and a parent’s worst fear was realized – liver cancer! Throughout her treatments, Anja experienced some bumps in the road with complications that required more surgeries than originally expected.  It also meant many, many long days of

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David’s mom was five months pregnant when she learned that the baby she was carrying would be born with an extremely complicated heart defect. She knew, before she was able to hold him in her arms, that he would require three heart surgeries. His first one was when he was 6 months old and that

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Our goal at Wishes & More is to grant, to the biggest extent possible, the heartfelt wish of a child. One of the most challenging wishes to grant is a “Wish to Meet” opportunity because we have to rely completely on the person the wish child requests to meet. Aaliyah’s wish was to meet a

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People from all over the world come to our very own Mayo Clinic in Rochester to receive top-notch treatment. Our precious little wish child is one of them.  Four year old Marie-Martins came from Nigeria to receive her treatments for Pineal Blastoma (a brain tumor).  Not only is she undergoing traumatic and intense treatments, she’s

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Thanksgiving wasn’t the same for many people this year; for Karson, it was VERY different as he spent it in anticipation of his Wish Day on FRIDAY!  This six-year-old struggles with spina bifida, hydrocephalus, chiari malformation, and neurogenic bowel & bladder (inability to control,) and yet this bundle of energy doesn’t let any of these difficulties slow

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This past Easter, shortly after her 17th birthday, Paige came down with a severely high fever accompanied by a sore throat, stiff neck, and upset stomach. Oh no – COVID-19! No, that test came up negative. Mono? Strep? – also negative. Doctors continued testing, and to everyone’s surprise and dismay, cancer was the official diagnosis.

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Some people show their grit and potential success at a very young age. But at six weeks old?? When Sam was an infant, his parents learned that he suffered from a Congenital Heart Disorder and his lifelong battle began. Surgeries were scheduled and hospital stays became a normal part of his life. Thankfully, he’s been

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At eighteen-months-old, Audrey appeared to be a healthy little girl and she was a bundle of energy and smiles. She was growing, learning and eating well, but her parents were concerned because her abdomen appeared to be abnormally large. They consulted with her doctor and an ultrasound was recommended. After a very anxious wait, the

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Baby Cassidy was diagnosed with Krabbe Disease at five-months-old. This genetic nervous system disorder has a multitude of symptoms and while Mom & Dad were overwhelmed by the initial diagnosis, they were extremely concerned with the day-to-day changes they were seeing in their sweet baby girl. This family from Montevideo is very close to their

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Jeremy was born with a very serious and debilitating condition where large portions of his spine were missing. These deformities have led to other serious difficulties with eating, breathing, fluid on the brain, among others. He has never been too far from a hospital stay and his wish was to spend more time outdoors. Sounds

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