Home & Backyard Wishes



Just like a typical two-year-old, Josiah is a very energetic little guy who loves to be on-the-move and exploring outside! Some of his favorite activities include dancing, opening and closing everything, and interacting with everyone he meets. Sadly, in his short life, he has already endured lengthy hospitalizations and a stem cell transplant to treat […]

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Dannon by his playset with bubbles


Dannon “Yogurt” is a delightful 3-year-old with an endearing smile who has battled Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Because kiddos with Down Syndrome have a higher chance of developing this cancer, he had been receiving regular blood draws since birth to track his counts. Everything looked great for two years until his doctor found that he had a

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Frankie has a blast when she can explore freely – and her family loves when they can avoid telling her “no.” However, she has little to no concept of boundaries, so her parents have the challenge of keeping her safe while allowing her to have fun being independent. This little lady has Down Syndrome, coupled

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Gracie is a twin to brother Gannon, and a little sister to Grayson. Sadly, Gracie suffered a terribly traumatic experience as an infant and doctors have been closely monitoring her ever since. These physicians don’t believe she will ever have a “normal” life and will have on-going mental and physical challenges. With that said, she

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Six-year-old Kallen is challenged with a serious genetic condition but continues to be a loveable, joyful, and extraordinary kid.  He is learning ASL and even though he has difficulty moving, he really enjoys being able to communicate with people and gives heart-warming smiles to express his joy at being a part of the conversation. His family

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MN Teen

MN Teen

We have been working with a local teen who has a rare genetic condition that leads to dangerous episodes of low oxygen. This young man and his family have very little and we highly respect their privacy; however, it is also a heart wrenching wish that we want to share.  When we conducted his wish interview, we

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John’s critical condition requires water therapy 4-5 days per week; however, his family let us know that the therapy location isn’t nearby or convenient and, with five other kids, they are unable to make the drive as much as is needed. The other option of him receiving warm water therapy in the bathtub also became

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Meet Emma!  She’s a happy 11-year-old from North Branch who loves nothing more than swimming! In fact, she had her mind made up on a pool wish even before we met with her. She’s a little fish in the water and her medical team shared that it is great therapy for her and fulfills her need for

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This four-year-old’s diagnosis of B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia was shocking and frightening for her whole family but now that she has completed treatments, her wish will provide her with endless joy and imaginative play, right in her own backyard. Grace’s wish was for a custom-designed playhouse perfectly decorated for a princess. Wishes & More provided

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Juniper is a 4-year-old from La Porte, MN who suffers from a brain dysfunction called Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy. Her three siblings are very active and love playing outdoors on their acreage. Sadly, due to her condition and physical limitations, Juniper was often left behind and in the house. Her parents talked about their wish for

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Meet Harrison! This little sweetheart has had quite the journey in just two short years. He was born in January of 2020 under high risk circumstances, three weeks early with fluid in his lungs. Doctors struggled to determine the correct diagnosis for Harrison because of the rarity of this cancer, infantile spindle cell rhabdomyosarcoma. He endured two

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Henry is a one-year-old battling Neuroblastoma and his favorite place to be is outside! He especially enjoys being on a swing and feeling the breeze in his face! His big sister, three-year-old Noa, taught him the ropes when it comes to the playground and made sure he knows that the swings are the place to

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Michael is 19-months-old and has multiple medical issues that have required numerous surgeries and brought about serious developmental and physical challenges.  He’s faced it all like a champion and NOTHING has impacted his ability to light up a room with just the flash of a smile!  His parents call him their miracle child and he

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Little Savannah Jo, better known as Savvy by those who love her, is a very fragile, medically complex, little one who receives around-the-clock nursing care. The wish her parents made on Savvy’s behalf was to help design a space for her that would feel like a little girl’s bedroom and not a hospital room. They

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Seven-year-old Luke is the youngest sibling of three kids and is doted on by the entire family. Luke (or Lukey as they lovingly call him) was born with a congenital brain abnormality and has struggled his entire young life with issues such as vision impairment, seizure disorder and developmental delays. His family’s wish, on Luke’s

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Five-year-old Amir suffered a devastating stroke in 2018, leaving him with many physical and mental disabilities. This little guy is full of laughs despite his difficulties, and his big smile will melt your heart. We put out a call to our friends on social media earlier this year to encourage some help in making Amir’s

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Danielle and Jareth were thrilled with the anticipation of the birth of their baby girl. The excitement turned to fear when she arrived extremely early, at only 22 weeks, and weighing a mere 14.5oz. Right away, their precious Kenley was given a very poor prognosis…but her doctors obviously didn’t know this tiny girl was such

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A wonderful reminder of our “why”! Enjoy reading this thoughtful note from Mom! “Our daughter, Cary Lynn, qualified for a wish from Wishes & More due to her having several life limiting medical conditions. Cary Lynn is complex and doesn’t get to go out much or travel due to a compromised immune system. COVID shrunk

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Milo was a very happy baby, but as he grew, he started exhibiting problems with movement of his limbs, especially his right arm.  At 6-months-old, his parents knew something serious was wrong. After a whirlwind roller coaster of procedures and testing, his doctors confirmed that Milo has cerebral palsy caused by a congenital brain malformation.

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Meet our warrior wish baby – Brandyn! This little guy just had a big milestone and Wishes & More was incredibly happy to be a part of the big celebration! Brandyn was born at 28 weeks with Down Syndrome and a critical heart condition. His frightened mother found out that before he would ever be

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Thirteen-year-old, Makena, is a delightful young lady who struggles daily with a very rare chromosomal syndrome resulting in developmental delays and a hole in her heart. Makena’s communication is very limited, but Dad knows exactly when she likes something because of her sweet smile and contagious giggle! She loves participating in lots of activities –

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Meet Bowdenn!  He is a typical, active one-year-old who loves to be outside swinging and playing .  This little guy is an only child, and his diagnosis of Neuroblastoma rocked his family’s world.  Cancer isn’t something that anyone wants to hear, and for first-time parents, Allie & Austin, their baby’s diagnosis was terrifying, and the

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This past Easter, shortly after her 17th birthday, Paige came down with a severely high fever accompanied by a sore throat, stiff neck, and upset stomach. Oh no – COVID-19! No, that test came up negative. Mono? Strep? – also negative. Doctors continued testing, and to everyone’s surprise and dismay, cancer was the official diagnosis.

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Just short of his first birthday, this adorable little boy was diagnosed with a Wilms Tumor – resulting in large growths on each of his kidneys.  Asher immediately got started on a chemo protocol and his tumors responded well; however, he then developed Nephrotic syndrome.  This condition damaged his kidneys to the extent that both

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