Sixteen-year-old Abby has been challenged with a serious Type 1, juvenile-onset diabetes mellitus that is very difficult to control, which makes every day an opportunity for a life-threatening scenario. During one episode, Abby’s levels went so low during the night, that her parents had to rush her to the emergency room to save her life. The incident was so incredibly frightening for her, that the lingering memory still creates times of difficulty sleeping. Abby, with her parent’s support, chose to wish for an allowance towards the purchase of a Diabetic Alert Dog. This companion will help her to feel safer knowing that the specially trained pup will notify her when her levels are getting low – not to mention she’ll have a very intelligent furry friend. Fast forward 21 long months and Finley finally joined Abby’s family! During that time, Abby was on the Diabetic Alert Dogs of America waitlist, and once she was matched with Finley, we received weekly updates of his progress in obedience and alert training. While preparing to help Abby, the young pup explored the Las Vegas area to test his skills and worked with Abigail’s saliva samples to learn the nuances of her levels. The two happily united last month and have been living life to the fullest since! Join us in welcoming Finley to Abby’s family!
Posted in One-of-a-Kind Wishes, Wish-Stories