

Adeline was a brave little heart warrior with a big personality. She was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect and fought every day like a brave heart warrior does. Sadly, she passed away before she could turn five. Adeline’s family will remember her as their princess that adored spending time with her sister and playing […]

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Samy is incredibly strong, but it isn’t the kind of strength that comes from the gym. It’s a strength from within. He also has an abundance of grit and resilience from a battlefield that was a result of remarkably serious birth defects. This 19-year-old has endured more than we can imagine as a result of

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Three-year-old Finn has Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and, unfortunately, he has suffered damage to his liver as a side effect from his treatments. He has spent 1/3 of his life enduring chemo treatments and has had a hard time battling this illness. His parents informed our team that after spending so much time in the hospital, the entire

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Little Ivy was born with a host of serious health complications and spent only two of her 13 months of life in her family home.  Wishes & More was not able to grant a wish for this little angel; however, our Memorial funds were given to the family immediately after her passing.  We share the

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“Our” Maddie prides herself on her honest opinions, quick wit, and tasteful sass. We first met her a few years ago when she was diagnosed with leukemia in her junior year of high school. We call her “our Maddie” because she has been in the process of her wish since that time as she struggled

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Attendees of the 2022 Winter Gala enjoyed Braxton on stage and were captivated by watching him and hearing about his love of superheroes, especially Ironman.  Braxton is an absolute joy of a kid and we were incredibly thrilled to surprise him with the opportunity to meet Ironman, receive some special gifts from him – including a

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Ava was born with a heart defect and she was only 3-months old when her loving parents waited in a surgical lounge while their precious little girl endured her first heart surgery. Ava also faced the challenges of having Down Syndrome but neither one stopped her from bringing joy and having her life filled with

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Juniper is a 4-year-old from La Porte, MN who suffers from a brain dysfunction called Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy. Her three siblings are very active and love playing outdoors on their acreage. Sadly, due to her condition and physical limitations, Juniper was often left behind and in the house. Her parents talked about their wish for

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Alyssa was born with a serious genetic disorder called Angelman Syndrome.  Alyssa’s two brothers absolutely adore her, and her favorite moments are when they are all together…or when she is snuggling with mom. Alyssa enjoys spending time in the water and we hear that she pouts when it’s time to dry off.  She also loves the

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Pierce is an eighteen-year-old struggling with myotonic dystrophy, a genetic condition that causes his muscles and organs to weaken seriously and progressively- especially his heart.  His condition has depressed his energy-levels and health so much that he missed out on a full semester of his senior year of high school. However, he graduated in January and

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Parker’s life was changed after a series of doctor’s visits trying to figure out the source of his high fever. Eventually, he was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) and endured nine months of chemo treatments. After enduring the fight of his life, Parker sadly passed away at the age of four from the cancer

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Haley is a pretty typical teenage girl – she loves going to the theater, Nick Jonas & singing along to John Legend and Christmas tunes!  This sweet lady was born with Down syndrome – but her true battle began recently when she was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. This diagnosis has forced Haley to endure

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Pie is a seven-year-old from Becker who is the youngest child of five kids.  As you can see from their photo, she is obviously adored by her older siblings and her parents.   Battling T-Lymphoblastic Lymphoma, her blood counts have been a concern and have even pushed back some of her treatments.  Wishes & More volunteers

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Remember Alex?  In June of 2020 we granted his wish for a car allowance to buy a 1994 Toyota MR2 GT. A true car fanatic, the search for his perfect car was a great distraction during his cancer treatments for ALL.  We recently checked in with this ambitious teen and learned that the car is in

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Cameron was rushed to the NICU at birth and his first 100 days of life was spent in the hospital due to a serious esophageal birth defect. He endured surgery after surgery with setback after setback in the attempt to repair his leaking esophagus before he could go home to his own nursery. We met him

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Sixteen-year-old Austin had complained of knee pain for a couple months before he and his parents decided to have a doctor check it out. As an intense varsity soccer player, they did not think much of it, assuming the pain was a byproduct of the sport. After several scans, an MRI, and a biopsy, it

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Meet Harrison! This little sweetheart has had quite the journey in just two short years. He was born in January of 2020 under high risk circumstances, three weeks early with fluid in his lungs. Doctors struggled to determine the correct diagnosis for Harrison because of the rarity of this cancer, infantile spindle cell rhabdomyosarcoma. He endured two

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Tatum was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma when he was 6-months-old, and has fought through multiple rounds of chemo and 15 surgeries. After his initial diagnosis, he immediately underwent emergency surgery to remove a mass and in recovery, his heart and breathing stopped.  This little fighter came through it all and is now four-years-old and declared cancer-free. 

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Reuven is a teenager from New Hope who came to us in 2018 after receiving a diagnosis of a Brain Tumor.  This young man is very spiritual and his Jewish heritage is held very closely to his identity and heart. He attends a Jewish boarding school to fully immerse in his studies and, consequently, told

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Three-year-old Xenia may be little, but her personality is big! This precious little girl could not wait until Halloween this year because that was the day that she was leaving for her Disney World Wish to come true! Xenia is the middle child of a young family of five and she struggles with a brain malformation

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Austin’s wish story is sure to make you smile – especially when you see where he is NOW!  In 2007, four-year-old Austin was diagnosed with stage-four cancer.  After 10 months of hospital time and treatments, he was declared cancer-free and his wish for a pontoon was granted.  As Austin grew, his love of the outdoors

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OOctober was a busy month for Landon, a darling, five-year-old who is battling Leukemia. After five rounds of chemo, this little guy was ready to experience his wish, but not before he and his two brothers met Batman! Through a special partnership between Wishes & More and Super Heroes With Super Kids Foundation, Landon and

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One year ago, we shared a story about a young lady named Megan. In the midst of her battle with Leukemia, we granted her wish for a car allowance! Having a car allowed her the opportunity  to be able to get a part-time job when she headed off to college. We are happy to report that Megan

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Seven-year-old Olivia has two sisters, and all three of them have been giddy with anticipation for her Disney World Wish to come true… and as expected, they had the time of their lives! Olivia battles with a serious genetic condition and a very high risk of epilepsy. When our volunteers visited with her to learn

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