


Three-year-old Simon suffers from a serious genetic disorder with a very limited prognosis. His condition has taken other children by the age of five and Simon’s loving family treasures every moment they have with him. Mom & Dad reached out to Wishes & More in search of a way to help their sweet boy experience as […]

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Emari was diagnosed with AML last August and immediately underwent four rounds of chemo and a bone marrow transplant. Unfortunately, the aggressive treatments didn’t work, and cancer ruthlessly spread throughout her little body. It was at that point when the family reached out to make sure she was able to experience a wish. We immediately approved a wish for a

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At just 5-months-old, Charlie’s parents heard the devastating news, “your son has cancer.”  His treatments began immediately and since then he’s been through it all – more pokes than one should endure, surgery, chemo, biopsies, and far too much time in a hospital room.  Charlie and his three older siblings and parents started thinking about a

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Only Wishes & More can make a simple wish for sports tickets into an unforgettable experience – thanks to our Wish Contributors! Remember Lucy, who earlier this year attended the Thielen Foundation Youth Camp for her “MORE” experience of playing catch with  #19 himself? Well, her wish came true as the Vikings bested the Seahawks at US Bank Stadium!

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Madi is a creative & strong-willed teen who graduated high school in 2020 with excitement of the life ahead of her.  Just weeks later, and shortly before her 18th birthday, she was knocked on her heels by getting a diagnosis of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.  Her whole world turned upside down and instead of anticipating and preparing for college, she

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Adbullahi (or Abe) is a three-year-old from Detroit Lakes who was diagnosed with Wilms Tumor (kidney cancer) and his condition and treatment has created developmental delays.  He is improving through intense therapy and his mother identified an iPad as a fun and working tool to assist him.  She also told us what a fan he is of Paw

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Henry is a one-year-old battling Neuroblastoma and his favorite place to be is outside! He especially enjoys being on a swing and feeling the breeze in his face! His big sister, three-year-old Noa, taught him the ropes when it comes to the playground and made sure he knows that the swings are the place to

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Michael is 19-months-old and has multiple medical issues that have required numerous surgeries and brought about serious developmental and physical challenges.  He’s faced it all like a champion and NOTHING has impacted his ability to light up a room with just the flash of a smile!  His parents call him their miracle child and he

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On December 31st, 2020 after experiencing a fever that she just couldn’t kick, Anja was admitted to Children’s and a parent’s worst fear was realized – liver cancer! Throughout her treatments, Anja experienced some bumps in the road with complications that required more surgeries than originally expected.  It also meant many, many long days of

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Lindsey was a strong little girl, fighting for her life from day one. She was born with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy, yet her adoring family was always hopeful that she would exceed the doctor’s expectations. Sadly, she passed away at just three-months-old. Her “big” brother Logan was always her biggest fan and he loved to snuggle

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Little Savannah Jo, better known as Savvy by those who love her, is a very fragile, medically complex, little one who receives around-the-clock nursing care. The wish her parents made on Savvy’s behalf was to help design a space for her that would feel like a little girl’s bedroom and not a hospital room. They

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Aloha!  When we first met Lucy, she was eighteen-years-old and had not only recently graduated from DeLaSalle as a three-sport athlete, she had also just completed her treatments for Hodgkins Lymphoma.  Our volunteers quickly learned that Lucy was a big fan of Minnesota Gopher football player and cancer survivor, Casey O’Brien, and that she loves

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Collin is a car-loving kid so when our wish team was deciding on who would be the best-suited Wish Wizards to interview Collin and help him open up to talk about all of the options for a wish, we solicited our friend Mark Muhlstein to join Karla Blomberg with the interview.  Mark is also a

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13-year-old Lauren suffers from a multitude of serious medical issues that requires her to have 24-7 care. As the third child of four kids, everyone pitches in to include her in all of the family activities as much as possible.  She’s grown too big to be carried and sometimes has difficulty getting comfortable while sitting.  A friend

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Seven-year-old Luke is the youngest sibling of three kids and is doted on by the entire family. Luke (or Lukey as they lovingly call him) was born with a congenital brain abnormality and has struggled his entire young life with issues such as vision impairment, seizure disorder and developmental delays. His family’s wish, on Luke’s

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“Mighty Miles” will always be remembered as a superhero who went into battle fighting Congenital Heart Disease every day of his life.  He celebrated his 5th birthday just after his fourth heart surgery.  This surgery was supposed to be his final one; however, it didn’t go as expected and resulted in infection and complications resulting in another

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Have you ever wondered what the “MORE” in our name means?  Well, here’s an example of how we try to do more than just a wish. Ten-year-old Lucy  was adopted from China at age four and had she remained there, it is likely she would not have survived. Thankfully, her loving parents brought her home

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Collin is the second child in his family to receive a wish from Wishes & More, and he has the same condition as his brother: congenital hydrocephalus and the resultant Chiari malformation. This means that an excess of cerebrospinal fluid plagues Collin’s brain, causing a lot of painful pressure and a variety of alarming symptoms.

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Andrew is an exceptional young man who, before his diagnosis of AML (Acute Myeloid Leukemia), was a tri-sport athlete in football, basketball, and track; played the saxophone in band; and enjoyed a variety of volunteer work with his church and other organizations. After graduating from high school, he began his studies at the University of St.

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Our purpose in providing a wish is to bring joy, light, happiness and hope to each wish recipient and to the family members who have supported them through some really tough days, weeks and years.  When Tanner received his wish at the our annual gala, we saw every one of those emotions cross his face, and

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Keaton was diagnosed at age 5 with chronic osteomyelitis, a severe and potentially incapacitating infection of bone and bone marrow.  This rare condition has caused him to experience countless infections and surgeries, intense pain and swelling.  At age 10, Keaton got an infection in his foot and doctors commented that it was the most severe

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Five-year-old Amir suffered a devastating stroke in 2018, leaving him with many physical and mental disabilities. This little guy is full of laughs despite his difficulties, and his big smile will melt your heart. We put out a call to our friends on social media earlier this year to encourage some help in making Amir’s

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When Jayden was two years old, he came down with a persistent cough and cold-like symptoms. His parents waited for the “virus” to go away and when it didn’t, mom took him to various doctors before an x-ray revealed  frightening news – Jayden had a large mass in his chest. Immediately admitted into Children’s, he was subjected to

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In August of 2020, Maya’s parents received the devastating news of a diagnosis of a severe neurological degenerative disease called INAD.  From 10-months-old until now, they spent every day questioning the progression of her development and enduring countless doctors visits to determine a diagnosis. Now that they know the serious nature of this degenerative condition,

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