


Frankie has a blast when she can explore freely – and her family loves when they can avoid telling her “no.” However, she has little to no concept of boundaries, so her parents have the challenge of keeping her safe while allowing her to have fun being independent. This little lady has Down Syndrome, coupled […]

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Seventeen-year-old Ellis was known for his infectious laugh and his kindness to others. He loved spending time with family and expressing his zest for life in many encouraging ways. His plans and dreams included enrolling in the US Military and ultimately becoming an inventor of video games and a pastor.  All those dreams were shattered when he

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Four-year-old Kevin is an adorable, confident and precocious little brother who has taken on the battle against B-Cell lymphoma.  He is a lover of all things Mickey Mouse and Frozen so it is no surprise that he wished to go to Disney World. We surprised this young man with the news of his wish trip

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Hunting has always been a part of Blake’s life. As a Midwest Kid, he looks forward to deer hunting season and target shooting with his dad and has even traveled to TX to hunt Ram. His bucket list includes bear, moose, and alligator, but the number one wish he shared with us was an elk

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Fourteen-year-old Carter looks like a healthy and athletic kid that belongs on a sports field. And he once was!  He loves the outdoors and enjoys team sports like football, basketball and baseball. Unfortunately, two years ago, he went in for a routine heart screening and after many more months of tests and MRIs, he found out he has a

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After visiting her doctor because of a persistent cough and itchiness, Sierra underwent tests for asthma which revealed something restricting her breathing.  No one imagined the severity of the issue until she went in for an x-ray, which showed a huge mass on her chest.  Her diagnosis was Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Nausea and sickness took their

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Car enthusiasts and gear heads will especially enjoy reading about Garrett’s wish and how it extended into our Scholarship of Hope® program. But let’s first go back to the Spring of 2022, during his senior year of high school, when this tough kid began suffering from constant headaches and blurry vision. Sadly, his Mom knew

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Sixteen-year-old Chloe endured much in her lifetime as it was punctuated with many seizures and medical procedures to alleviate them.  She overcame numerous obstacles and proved that her abilities far outweighed her disabilities.  She enjoyed school and many activities, and her parents shared, “A day with Chloe was filled with sass, literal translations of the

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Gracie is a twin to brother Gannon, and a little sister to Grayson. Sadly, Gracie suffered a terribly traumatic experience as an infant and doctors have been closely monitoring her ever since. These physicians don’t believe she will ever have a “normal” life and will have on-going mental and physical challenges. With that said, she

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Six-year-old Kallen is challenged with a serious genetic condition but continues to be a loveable, joyful, and extraordinary kid.  He is learning ASL and even though he has difficulty moving, he really enjoys being able to communicate with people and gives heart-warming smiles to express his joy at being a part of the conversation. His family

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These past two years have been incredibly tough for Adasyn.  As the New Year bells rang in 2021, she received a devastating diagnosis of cancer.  She was told that 95% of her bone marrow cells were leukemia and to prepare herself for 2.5 years of treatments.  This resilient young lady battled through every setback and did her

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Meet Cedric – an angler extraordinaire!   This 18-year-old absolutely loves fishing!  He appreciates and revels in living in our State of 10,000 lakes, where he can head out and spend time on the shores whenever he is feeling well enough to be outside.  Unfortunately, this year, he hasn’t had many of those opportunities because his

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Grayson is a bubbly, resilient 4-year-old who has a congenital condition called VACTERL syndrome. This serious disorder affects many body systems; however, this happy kid doesn’t let the symptoms, treatments or hospital visits get the better of him – he is one of the most engaging kids you’ll ever meet! In addition to enjoying shopping at Target

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Nine-year-old Andy has a rare, progressive and degenerative central nervous system disorder that deteriorates coordination, motor abilities, and cognitive function. His mobility is restricted by where his motorized wheelchair can take him. He lives on a big lot in Ham Lake and he loves visiting his grandparents farm. Unfortunately, he is unable to go into

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Evan has battled a congenital heart disorder every day of his eighteen years of life. He is a triplet from Rochester and his close-knit family cherishes the time they spend together. In addition to his interest in keeping up with professional sports teams from the NBA, NFL and MLS; he also enjoys video games and has

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Unfortunately, some of our wish kids are unable to communicate their fondest wish in words. For these kids, we rely on their medical team and their parents to share what would be impactful and meaningful. Livia is one of those precious children. She is from a family of five from La Crescent near the Mississippi

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Three-year-old Harrison was diagnosed with a brain tumor in March 2022. Immediately after discovering the clementine size mass on his 2-year-old brain, he was admitted to the hospital to relieve the fluid buildup and for surgery to have the tumor removed.  His parents were stunned, and it was especially difficult for his Dad to process

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Our “where are they now” stories are always a touching tribute to the medical journey and the accomplishments of a local child & their supportive family. Today we are happy to share a positive update on a wish we granted 10 years ago! Trevor was battling a brain stem tumor when we met him and

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We are proud to tout this speedy wish for 12-year-old Bryce from Rosemount.  Bryce has serious respiratory issues that have caused active airway disease in addition to dwarfism.  Regardless of the issues surrounding his ability to breathe normally, he is an active kid and one of his 14 siblings(!) shares his passion for exotic cars. 

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Meet Delaney (aka Laney)! Her loving parents received the devastating news that she suffers from a rare genetic disorder, INAD, and her prognosis is very poor. Knowing that her life will be measured in memories, and not years, all her family can do now is make her comfortable and address symptoms as they develop. Laney’s family would like

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Antwan, an outgoing and fun 9-year-old, loves staying active and enjoys arcades, shopping at the Mall of America, and showing off his athletic abilities at Grand Slam. He also likes being outside at his Nana & Papa’s cabin where he can ride the 4-wheeler, jet ski, and go on boat rides. Sadly, his diagnosis of

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It was a routine exam, when Vanessa’s eye doctor spotted an irregularity on her left eye which was eventually found to be ocular melanoma – eye cancer! They immediately started plaque radiation treatment directly on the surface of her eyeball. Fortunately, this procedure was successful; however, she is facing an upcoming surgery and an ongoing protocol

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During a high school football practice, Soren suddenly experienced unbearable pain. He was rushed to the doctor and put through a battery of tests that resulted in the shocking and devastating news of stage four cancer that had spread to his lungs and lymph nodes.  Surgery removed the primary tumor but a protocol of chemotherapy

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Camille was born with a serious genetic disorder and as her parents celebrated her birth, they also received the devastating news that her life-expectancy was likely just a few months. This little fighter was absolutely adored by her parents and three siblings.  She had numerous hospital visitors who were able to hold her and see her sweet

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