


Atticus, a quiet but active six-year-old, loves horses and the animals on his family farm…and anything fast. He loves rodeos, motor sports, go-karts, and racing. Atticus was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia but it hasn’t slowed him down! His dream wish was to go to the Wisconsin Dells to enjoy go-kart racing, water parks, and […]

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Little Alexander was born with a rare metabolic mitochondrial disorder that took him far too soon. He was a great gift to his family and everyone who knew him for his short life. Alexander’s legacy lives on through consistent acts of kindness, encouraged by his loving parents. In lieu of a wish, Wishes & More

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Kody was a brilliant fourteen-year-old who loved everyone fiercely. He loved learning and was involved in robotics, speech, knowledge bowl, choir, and musical theater. Kody loved to help people and was a part of HOPE group (Helping Other People Everywhere). He was a remarkable big brother, son, and friend. His Mom said, “his smile and

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Kamryn is a playful two-year-old diagnosed with a progressive brain tumor.  Nevertheless, she always finds reasons to smile. Kamryn is like any other two-year-old and loves to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, read Mickey Mouse books, and play with Mickey and Minnie Mouse toys. I bet you can guess her wish – a family vacation to

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Caleb is a joyful and loving fourteen-year-old with a chromosome disorder that has resulted in multiple surgeries and keeps him confined to a wheelchair. He enjoys swimming, reading, animals, and spending time with his family. Caleb’s grandparents have four wheelers and Dad really wanted to see his son enjoying “wind in his face” like other

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When we met sweet little James he was very, very ill. His family was extremely saddened by his prognosis and didn’t know what to do. They contacted us and we discovered his love of Spiderman. We jumped into Superhero action and got Spidey to make a home visit to James, sent him to “Marvel Universe,

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Matthew is a seventeen-year-old who loves to fish, watch movies on his iPad, and play Minecraft. His favorite show to watch is Duck Dynasty – mom says he must have watched every episode ten times! Matthew was born with Leukodystrophy which is a progressive neurological condition that has confined him to a wheelchair. Dealing with

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Abbey is an active high school freshman who participates in swimming, adaptive bowling & track, and horseback riding. Abbey was born with spina bifida which has presented many challenges throughout her life but she continues to smile through them all. Abbey has a passion for animals and hopes to be a veterinarian one day. She

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Jack is an outgoing, active, and fun loving teenager who was diagnosed with Ewings Sarcoma just as he was beginning his first year of college at St. John’s University. He was forced to withdraw from school to begin tenaciously fighting his battle. Always active in sports, playing basketball and baseball in high school, he also

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Taylor was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma during her final year of high school. She quickly began chemo and was forced to leave school in March of her senior year to receive intense treatments.  Luckily, she had worked hard throughout high school and earned enough credits to graduate on time with her class. Through her own

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Six-year-old Ruby was a beautiful, bright, vibrant child who lived her life to the fullest. She constantly battled Dravet Syndrome and fought through the painful seizures, multiple ambulance rides and long hospital stays. Although she had limitations, she always had a smile and a hug for everyone she met. She loved butterflies, rainbows and the

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Voua is amazing young woman battling Neurofibromatosis, a rare, life-threatening, genetic disorder of the nervous system which causes tumors that damage cranial nerves and the brainstem. Voua’s wish was to travel to Disney World with her family. Extended family members also joined Voua on this trip for a total of 16 people. Voua was rapidly

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Timothy (TJ)

TJ is a very spirited, outgoing young man.  This thirteen-year-old spitfire has been diagnosed with AML, a form of Leukemia, but remains your average teenage boy.  He enjoys cheese pizza, video games, the movie Predator, paint ball and would love to go to the Bahamas.   TJ’s wish ideas consisted of a lot of the

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A very young Tasiyah was diagnosed with Sacral Teratoma, which is a kind of tumor located at the base of the tailbone. This didn’t stop Tasiyah from singing and dancing for the Wish Wizards who met with her. A very bubbly and enthusiastic Tasiyah expressed her great love for the Disney Princesses and her wish

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At seven years old Tana is unable to speak, walk or eat on her own. Tana has Cerebral palsy, epilepsy and an undiagnosed syndrome. Although it is hard for Tana to communicate, she is never short of smiles and enjoys holding the hands of those close to her. Tana delights in being by water and

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As a teenage girl, Nicky was struggling with Stage II Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and her future looked to be very tough and bleak.  Even though the road to recovery seemed long and strenuous, she held on to her desire to follow in her mother’s footsteps into the dental field. In August 2008, Nicky asked Wishes &

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An energetic and bright 3-year-old, Luke, was referred to Wishes & More® after he was diagnosed with Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS), a rare bone marrow disease. Over the past two and a half years, Luke had been fighting an endless battle, but still never missed a beat and always found a reason to smile!  Luke loves

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At 19 months old, beautiful Lucia was diagnosed with Primary Hyperoxaluria, requiring her to have kidney and liver transplants. While Lucia waits for a kidney and liver, she endures dialysis every morning, Monday through Saturday leaving little time for play. After an insightful interview with our Wish Wizards, we discovered this innocent little girl loves

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Lucas’ wish was not one of indulgence, but instead to learn and become great at a new endeavor. Now 18, Lucas was born three months premature with Amniotic Band Syndrome, a condition that can cause abnormalities and amputations to legs, fingers and hands. His lower right leg is missing below the knee, and many of

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Lauren, a twelve-year-old from South Dakota, was diagnosed with localized Ewing’s Sarcoma, a type of bone cancer usually found in children and young adults, affecting her left pelvic bone. Before we met Lauren, she had spent many months over the past year undergoing radiation and chemotherapy.  Lauren’s place of retreat is her grandparents’ cabin in Okoboji,

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Jon loves the woods, hunting and adventurous ATV rides, which is why it’s no surprise he had been fantasizing about a big game hunting trip in Colorado. Wishes & More® teamed up with the television show, Kent Hrbek Outdoors (which features two-time Minnesota Twins World Champions Kent Hrbek and Co-Host Eric Gislason) to fulfill this wish. 17-

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Connor is an adorable five-year-old boy from Maple Grove. This energetic little guy is battling ALL, Autism and food allergies. He loves to play outside, climb, run and swing.  A sensory playroom was this special boy’s big wish. Though Connor does not communicate verbally, you could see the look of joy and happiness in his

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Jenna is best described as a “dreamer and a spirited lover of life and animals.”  Unfortunately, she has suffered much loss and endured many struggles in her lifetime. When Jenna was six, her older sister died at the age of twelve, and two short years later Jenna began her battle with Ewing’s Sarcoma. Through the

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This typical six-year-old boy imagines busting bad guys with Batman or playing cops and robbers with the neighbors. However, Isaac has been diagnosed with Burkitt Lymphoma, a rare type of lymphatic cancer, and his imagination takes him not to secret realms with super heroes, but to hospital free days and sleep filled nights. After being

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