Sharing stories of our memorial grants are always heartbreaking because each time the story ends with the passing of a child. However, Memorials gifts are an important service that we provide, and, to our knowledge, there is no other organization that provides these financial gifts to surviving parents. We also know that sharing the story aids in the grieving process for the parent(s) because all parents want their angels remembered. Calder was born with Congenital Heart Disease and sadly he passed away at 9-months-old from complications stemming from open heart surgery. In his obituary, his parents share that, “Calder was a joyful, smiling, friendly baby who was thriving in every way. He loved snuggling, avoiding naptime, playing with his toys, sitting up on his own, and when both his mom and dad gave him their complete and undivided attention. He enjoyed music, his parents’ off-tune singing, and his dad’s attempts at the ukulele. He loved it when the dog’s fluffy tail brushed his face, and he would grab the cats’ fur whenever they wandered too close. He could express the entire range of emotion in the language of blown raspberries. He smiled at every person he met.” Our hearts go out to them and to the parents of the 63 other children who we’ve given Memorial funds to in the past eight months.

Posted in Memorial Stories, Wish-Stories