
Marcon’s premature birth wreaked havoc on his little body. Doctors instantly recognized that his respiratory system did not have enough time to develop correctly, which led to a host of very serious lung issues – including chronic hypoxemic respiratory failure, severe chronic lung disease, pulmonary hypertension, and chronic pulmonary aspiration. Needless to say, Marcon had a long and difficult battle to wage from his very first breath. His family stood by watching him undergo too many procedures to count, while attempting to give him a “normal life” with a tracheostomy tube in his windpipe. His first two years of life were spent in and out of the hospital, with a focus on gaining physical strength and working towards breathing without medical support. The wish that his parents shared with us was to celebrate his life and everything he’s been through with a family trip. Finally, after some delays due to the pandemic, Marcon grew strong enough to breathe on his own, so when doctors were able to get his other lung issues under control, they removed his trach tube.  When we heard how much Marcon loves Mickey Mouse and Coco, we knew he would enjoy his wish to spend much needed family-time in the sun at the Florida Parks. Marcon left for his trip on Sunday and he’s been having the time of his life this week. Wishes & More has made it a priority to support parents who are making the careful decision to travel at this time. Wishing Marcon and his family a magical finish to their wish trip this week!

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