Bragging is typically something moms and grandparents do, but we are so proud of our former Wish Kid Linae, that we can’t help but do a big shout out about what she’s accomplished and where she is now! You may remember Linae’s wish from 2019 – she visited Washington DC and we included a special opportunity for her at NASA headquarters because of her knowledge and love of all things SPACE (! Fast forward to today and we are proud to support her with her first installment of her Scholarship of Hope funding as she attends the University of Arizona and studies Astrobiology. Linae shared, “I enjoy learning about paradoxes and finding answers that lead to more questions. The field of astrobiology involves both of these topics while looking for the biochemical signatures of life on other planets and moons.” We are so happy that the fulfillment of her wish played a part in inspiring her to follow her dream. Linae, we couldn’t be more proud!