Just before the busy holiday season, Heather and Jake (an Active Army Reservist) took their youngest child of four to her routine 15-month checkup and asked the doctor to look at a lump on her abdomen that appeared to be growing. An ultrasound indicated that little Wynne had a Wilms Tumor in her left kidney. Their world turned upside down as they were advised that they should remove the entire tumor, along with her kidney and the surrounding lymph nodes.
Thankfully, the doctors successfully removed the tumor; however, they found that the cancer had progressed to Stage 2, which meant continued treatments for 25 weeks to keep the cancer at bay. Wynne is now in her final treatment cycle and this little princess shared with us that she wished to go to Disney World and see “real Princesses.” Their timeline to schedule the wish was also critical because this family is going to go through another separation when dad leaves on his deployment to Kuwait in August. They wanted the family to share this incredible vacation opportunity before he leaves. An added surprise was who was at their door to give them their travel pack that includes their itinerary and spending money. Army Master Sergeant Norm Mudgett, dad’s commanding officer, drove in from WI and was joined by super volunteers, Al and Kim Garber; and former wish recipient, Grace, and her mom. Among Al’s many careers and life experiences is that he was a Vietnam Vet as an Army Ranger.
Just yesterday the family returned from their dream Florida trip! Wynne met her favorite Princesses, watched the Festival of Fantasy Parade, spent time at the beach, and enjoyed everything that Give Kids The World has to offer. We hope that the memories of this magical week will bring this family joy for years to come!