Reuven is a teenager from New Hope who came to us in 2018 after receiving a diagnosis of a Brain Tumor. This young man is very spiritual and his Jewish heritage is held very closely to his identity and heart. He attends a Jewish boarding school to fully immerse in his studies and, consequently, told our volunteers that he has a special connection with Israel. It’s been a dream of his for a long time to visit the country & asked that we help him make this dream a reality. He described it as a spiritual trip that will last forever! Reuven patiently waited for travel bans to lift before we were able to help make arrangements for his wish come true. Finally, in August, Reuven was welcomed to Camp Chibat Haaretz where he and other students with similar passions as Reuven, joined together to experience two weeks of hiking, exploring, and taking tours of biblical monuments and gravesites – including the Dead Sea. After his trip he wrote to us, “I really appreciate all the endless time, patience, and effort you all put into making this dream trip become a reality… I will remember this trip for the rest of my life”. Reuven is an incredible young man whose love for his heritage and faith is inspiring and we were happy to contribute towards making his ultimate wish come true.