One-year-old Peter fought for his life every day that he lived. He not only had a very rare developmental condition, he also struggled with congenital heart disease and severe lung disease. The family thought they were going to lose him at 2-weeks-old and prepared themselves for the worst at that time – but he battled on and became the sparkle and joy of every member of his large family! He endured open heart surgery at three months old, episodes of seizures and erratic blood pressure, infections, feeding tubes, and even cardiac arrest. Peter’s family had not yet chosen a wish for him to enjoy, they’d hoped to be able to celebrate when he finally left the hospital; however, it wasn’t meant to be. On December 5th, Peter passed away peacefully in Mom’s arms. He leaves behind five grieving siblings along with his parents. They gratefully received our Memorial funds in lieu of a wish and plan to use it to celebrate his life with his family. Although we hoped alongside his family that Peter would experience the joy of a wish, we are incredibly grateful that we are able to support this family with our Memorial offering. As we close out 2022, we grieve the loss of 83 children whose parents received our Memorial funding this year. Forever angels of Wishes & More.

Posted in Memorial Stories, Wish-Stories