Four-year old Leo suffers from numerous conditions – epilepsy, chronic lung issues, and blindness. Additionally, he is nonverbal and Gtube dependent. Leo absolutely loves music and even though he is nonverbal, he will hum to himself while the music plays. Sensory items bring him joy along with hanging out with friends, his brothers, his dog, and of course – mom! With Leo’s multiple special needs, his wish was for a safe, comfortable space that could provide multi-sensory stimulation. “Leo’s Lair” was created as a special playhouse with sensory items (including tactile toys and a swing); wheelchair accessibility and electrical power to provide year-round use. Wishes & More was proud to partner with multiple community members to provide this amazing space for Leo in his own backyard so that he can spend time with those he loves and receive the sensory therapy he needs to grow and thrive despite his serious medical issues.

Posted in Home & Backyard Wishes, Wish-Stories