Travel Wishes



18-year-old Courtney from Apple Valley enjoys the Nicholas Sparks’ book inspired movie, Dear John, watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians’ and running track and Cross Country. Courtney has a Desmoid Tumor and was in need for some good news so she contacted Wishes & More® and expressed her desire to go to Hawaii with her […]

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Tony, a hockey-loving 19-year-old, was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. After his diagnosis, Tony immediately began chemo and has been unstoppable ever since, never letting cancer interfere with living his life. Tony participated in the Lymphoma Walk, went to his senior prom, and fully committed himself to schoolwork! Tony, who earned so much respect from

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Mark was born with transposition of the arteries and has had numerous surgeries in his young life. Mark wished to see all the sights on the beautiful island of Oahu, as well as wanted to swim with dolphins, attend a luau and visit Aloha Stadium. Wishes & More® granted that wish and sent him packing

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One-year-old Owen was diagnosed with Myelodysplastic Syndrome (Monosomy 7), an extremely rare cancer of the blood. Treatment included intense chemotherapy, radiation, a bone marrow transplant and a host of medications with devastating side effects. He endured severe pain, a dangerous adenovirus, infections and liver damage, but never without a smile. His mom said, “He should

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Ten-year-old Trevor from Maple Lake was diagnosed with a Brain Stem Tumor. Trevor picked a perfect snowy day to leave the cold and head off on his wish trip to Florida! Those of you who attended our 2013 gala may remember this charming dude who was surprised by Nemo onstage and told that his wish

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Samantha, a bright 17-year-old high school senior from Eagan, has a passion for art and history. She decided that her condition, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, would not stop her from her dream of traveling around the world. When Wish Wizards asked her what her top wishes were, she was unsure which ones to mention – she had

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At three-years-old, Allon battles Congenital Heart Disease while doing his very best to live the life every young child deserves. Allon’s mother found it extremely important that the family travel to Knoxville, TN to visit Allon’s Grandma (Grandma Hugs sure can mean a lot!). While on the trip, Allon had an absolutely wonderful time creating

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Branden lives in Blue Earth and has been dealing with Hodgkins Lymphoma. The medications and side effects have taken their toll and Branden wished to just get away for a nice relaxing beach trip to an island paradise. Wish granted! He and his family left on his first plane ride and enjoyed a whole week

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One-year-old Emmett has multiple severe medical issues including seizures, cleft lip pallet and panhypopit and spent the first nine weeks of his life hospitalized. Sadly, Emmett is not expected to survive much past his birthday. Consequently, doctors recommended that the family enjoy every precious moment with him at his first, and likely, last Christmas. Emmett’s

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Julia’s interest in the American Revolution began when she was five-years-old and received her American Girl doll during one of her many, lengthy hospital stays due to her double outlet right ventricle heart defect. She now has gotten her fill of historic places as she visited Colonial Williamsburg and more! She and her family spent

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Kyle is a self-described history buff.  He especially enjoys reading and learning about the history of war.  Kyle was born with Cystic Fibrosis. Although he has had his share of challenges, Kyle never stopped dreaming of his future while learning about the past.  His wish was to visit the “USS Midway” Museum in San Diego

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11-year-old Logan was born with Cystic Fibrosis, a life-threatening disorder that damages the lungs and digestive system. He loves reading and learning, especially about all kinds of animals, and his wish was for a trip where he could see animals on both land and sea. Our Wish Wizards put together the perfect trip for Logan

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Luke, a 17-year-old from Blaine, suffers from Cystic Fibrosis. Luke came to Wishes & More® with a very unique wish – to travel along the Florida Keys in a chartered boat with just his family, a captain and a cook. Wishes & More® was honored to provide this wish to such a brave young man.

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Maya’s Thanksgiving was especially happy in 2014. Her wish was to have a holiday with relatives in California and we made sure her sweet wish came true. She enjoyed Thanksgiving with her aunt and other relatives in sunny Chatsworth, California! This little seven-year-old girl struggles with a very rare brain formation disorder called Lissencephaly. She

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Naomi is a beautiful, fun-loving young lady from Hastings. She is an avid Vikings fan, enjoys shopping at the Mall of America and loves Italian food. While enjoying her freshman year at St. Thomas, she went home to visit her family where they noticed a limp in her walk. Soon after, her world was turned

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