Goods & Gadgets Wishes



Scarlet, a three-year-old who is “full of fight and fire” suffers from a rare genetic neurodegenerative disorder called Schinzel Giedion Syndrome, which causes the brain to shrink and have seizures. However, Scarlet has already proven she has the fight in her by surviving well beyond the normal average life span of two years with this […]

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Eighteen-year-old Jua, from St. Paul, was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. He has been in and out of the hospital throughout his teenage years due to his illness. Jua enjoys fishing, hunting, soccer, and singing. Jua’s special wish was for a shopping spree at the Mall of America with his siblings. Wishes & More® provided Jua

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Curran, a down-to-earth and fun-loving 18 year-old, was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and began his difficult but inspiring journey. Through chemo, hospital stays, good days, and bad days, Curran impressed everyone around him by holding his head high, taking things one day at a time, and maintaining a positive attitude. Curran cherished the support

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Amela is a fun-loving, outgoing, and fashionable fifteen year old girl living with Lupus. Amela and her family are from Bosnia, but are currently residing in Minnesota. Amela has always loved shopping and being up to date on the latest trends. When our Wish Wizards visited Miss Amela her wish became very clear; she wanted

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Sixteen–year-old Alan suffers with Tuberous Sclerosis and uncontrolled Epilepsy. He wished for a specially made bike that would allow him the opportunity to experience something previously impossible – a bike ride. On Wednesday, June 12, families and guests were asked to meet in the parking lot of Margaret Mary Catholic Church off of Zenith Ave

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