We are proud to tout this speedy wish for 12-year-old Bryce from Rosemount. Bryce has serious respiratory issues that have caused active airway disease in addition to dwarfism. Regardless of the issues surrounding his ability to breathe normally, he is an active kid and one of his 14 siblings(!) shares his passion for exotic cars. When our wish team asked what he would like to do, his wish was simple and clear – to ride in a Lamborghini! But in true Wishes & More fashion we went above and beyond to bring even “more” to his wish come true! Thanks to some very generous supporters from the AutoMotorPlex in Medina, we lined up not one, but two Lamborghinis, a Ferrari, a McLaren, a Maserati, and a Corvette for him to ride in and others joined in and brought their exotic cars for him to check out during a beautiful Summer evening. The day started with dinner on the patio at Lucky’s 13 in Plymouth when a MN State Trooper zoomed into the roundabout with lights and sirens blaring, followed by a red Lamborghini. That’s when Bryce found out that his wish was coming true! Little did he know that more was awaiting him when his 20 minute ride ended at the AutoMotorPlex where numerous other vehicles and a crowd of Wishes & More supporters were waiting to greet him. He enjoyed an evening of attention, interacting with the car owners, and getting rides in some incredible automobiles from across the globe. This wish would not have been possible without the generosity from Mark & Laura Muhlstein for adopting the wish and to our wish contributors: AutoMotorPlex Medina, Chick-fil-A, Ivywild Creations, Lucky’s 13, MN State Patrol, and Simek’s. Thanks to each of you for opening up your hearts to bring this incredible wish to life! Bryce also made the news – enjoy the news clip from Fox9:

Posted in One-of-a-Kind Wishes, Wish-Stories