


An intense headache and blurry vision alarmed Aubrey’s parents and initiated a trip to the ER. The scans were alarming – a golf ball size malignant tumor as well as hydrocephalus! An intense treatment plan began immediately; and so did many days of not being able to keep food down, dizziness, emergency shunt drains, extreme […]

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Kelly after a successful hunt

Kelly – After the Wish!

We’re excited to periodically take a look back at past wishes and we’d like to take the opportunity to share Kelly’s journey “After the Wish!”  You may remember Kelly from her on-stage debut at the Winter Ball in 2014 when she found out that her wish to go deer hunting with her favorite television huntress,

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Quentin's wish


We met Quetin as he was going through treatment for Leukemia and dealing with on-going issues in and out of the hospital.  He was a sophomore in high school in the Stillwater school district, but with his health struggles, he decided to take a year of home learning to try to keep up with his

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One day shy of her six-month birthday Lolita’s parents had to say goodbye to their beautiful, blue-eyed baby girl.  Lolita endured open heart surgery and a number of debilitating complications stemming from RSV.  In the Memorial application, her parents poignantly wrote, “Lolita let her light shine brighter than the sun since the day she was born.

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Abigail is a delightful sixteen-year-old with a creative mind, love for Harry Styles, and enjoyment of fantasy novels. She not only uses her brain power, she also enjoys staying physically active, particularly through basketball, volleyball, and track & field. This is even more impressive when you consider that she has a critical and unresolved congenital heart

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Picture a ten-year-old who loves to be active, but lives with a dependence on regular blood transfusions to stay alive.  That’s the life of our Regina.  She has a dangerous genetic condition that requires constant monitoring due to episodes of extremely low oxygen that may lead to organ failure – you can imagine the stress this puts on

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Rhys is a total outdoorsman! When we met this 16-year-old from Brainerd, we found out that he is not only battling cystic fibrosis, he’s also enduring Class IV heart failure. During his wish interview, he couldn’t stop talking about how much he loves being outdoors – boating, fishing, and snowmobiling. He even stopped the Zoom interview

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The Memorial program at Wishes & More is a financial grant to parents who lose a child.  But it is more than a gift of money, it is a gift that comes from the heart of a community who cares and is symbolic of that community.  We recently gave that support to the family of Sawyer,

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Little Sara was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in November of 2004, about a month after celebrating her 3rd birthday. Sara was born with Down Syndrome and the extra chromosome endeared her to all who knew her. She radiated love and charm and her diagnosis was a huge blow to the entire family. As Sara

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Twin sisters, Kendal & Kenedi, were both diagnosed with AML at just three-months-old. After both girls made it into remission, it was a devastating blow when Kendal relapsed almost two years later, and her parents reached out to Wishes & More. We rushed into action to support a trip to Disney for her and a

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Many babies who are born with osteogenesis imperfecta (a genetic bone disease) do not survive past two-months, but cute-as-a-button Uli was a fighter and became the exception. He weathered many hospital stays – one of which stretched past 30-days!  Due to his fragile immune system, he was not like other babies that could be passed around to

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The 2023 Vikings season didn’t end the way we hoped; however, they came through as winners to Wishes & More for playing a huge role in one of our wishes and making our 2023 partnership an over-the-top success! When we reached out to the “Home Team” (the partners and spouses of the MN Vikings players and coaches)

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Ethan has just started going out and about after his health scare and we have the pleasure of introducing you to this friendly and playful 20-month-old. Just over a year ago, Ethan’s sister passed RSV to him, and due to a pre-existing condition, it hit hard enough for him to spend several months in the

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Sam is a bright young woman who loves sports and excels in playing soccer! She was diagnosed with cancer in high school and, as you can imagine,  it turned her world upside down. Despite her battles, her faith and positive attitude helped her overcome this unexpected challenge and she is now in her first year

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Having an elite – one in a million status – can be very special, but not when it is related to a rare medical condition that doctor’s are unable to label. Unfortunately, nine-year-old Cece falls into that class.  Additionally, she suffers from epilepsy that causes innumerable daily seizures. Sadly, her life-expectancy will not be long; however, her loving

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This great teen experienced a “Key West Christmas” in 2021 after battling Osteosarcoma.  Mom has stayed in touch and let us know in late Summer of 2023 that he graduated Summa Cum Laude from Saint Thomas Academy and was starting college at Creighton University studying Financial Investment in the Fall.  With great joy, she also

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Emily’s lifelong battle with a serious genetic tissue disorder has resulted in extremely fragile arteries, muscles, and organs, as well as other complications. Despite her life-threatening condition, she is living large with great passion and delighting those who know and love her. She absolutely loves animals, being outside/swimming, and truly enjoys traveling. Her desire to

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MarcJon was a delightful young man with a vibrant personality. Unfortunately, he lost a battle with a very rare genetic condition called ROHHAD syndrome.  Despite his struggles, MJ found enjoyment in many things including simply being outdoors, exploring parks, and connecting with nature.  He also loved music and playtime and was known for sharing his

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Aden is an 8-year-old from Rosemount who is traveling the difficult journey of battling cancer. This superhero fan spent months receiving treatments and feeling overwhelmingly tired and achy; however, he kept his focus on a different journey – fulfilling his dream of visiting California. We met this young man in January and were thrilled when just nine months

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Cheerful little Grace was the family entertainer and when she was almost three, her parents received the heart stopping news that she had a sacrococcygeal germ cell tumor. Instead of going to the park to play, her daily life included bloodwork, scans, tests, and treatment.   However, this little lady has handled it with determination, positivity, and extraordinary “Grace”. Some of

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Sixteen-year-old Abby has been challenged with a serious Type 1, juvenile-onset diabetes mellitus that is very difficult to control, which makes every day an opportunity for a life-threatening scenario. During one episode, Abby’s levels went so low during the night, that her parents had to rush her to the emergency room to save her life. The

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Meet Sierra!  Most of us head for the medicine cabinet to alleviate our temporary discomfort if we suffer from a headache, a sore muscle or a stubbed toe. Not this incredible young lady!  She has dealt with a number of neurological issues throughout her entire life, and she has endured several spinal surgeries.  Regardless of the pain she

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Just in time for the leaves to fall, 11-year-old Kristian from Lindstrom received his wish! He suffers from several complex medical conditions (epilepsy, respiratory failure, kidney issues, and severe scoliosis) along with being trach and vent dependent; however, regardless of his medical issues, he’s rarely seen without his signature smile! He is a total outdoorsy

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Family vacations are something that most people may easily take for granted – but not Nora’s family.  They have always enjoyed traveling as a family and experiencing new things and new places.  The pandemic created cancellations but since then they’ve had to cancel trips as a result of a very scary situation with a new

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