
The birth of Sophia was a true one-of-a-kind blessing for her parents. At just three months old, neurologist discovered Sophia was missing a nerve bundle in her brain which caused developmental delays, seizures, and many other devastating complications. Shortly after her first birthday, doctors confirmed that she had an extremely rare chromosomal abnormality, and that “she may be the only living example of her type of chromosome re-writing.”

Sophia, now 13, still continues to struggle with seizures and other complications, but hasn’t let her unique condition dim her bright and joyful spirit. She is a devoted Vikings fan who also loves to read and go shopping. Wishes & More® was honored to meet Sophia and give her the gift of a personalized shopping spree at Mall of America, with special stops at the Vikings Locker Room and lunch at Tucci Benucch with her mom. Her mother writes: “It is a joy to see her on her good days! Sophia’s uniqueness is humbling, and I know I was meant to be her mother and she was meant to be my daughter.”

Big thanks to  Jay, Laurie and Julie Brube for funding Sophia’s special shopping experience!

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