Scarlet, a three-year-old who is “full of fight and fire” suffers from a rare genetic neurodegenerative disorder called Schinzel Giedion Syndrome, which causes the brain to shrink and have seizures. However, Scarlet has already proven she has the fight in her by surviving well beyond the normal average life span of two years with this disease. Mom says that despite her medical struggles, Scarlet gets stronger no matter what odds are stacked against her. Wishes & More® was honored to have the opportunity to help this “feisty red warrior” (Scarlet’s nickname), and granted Scarlet’s wish for an activity chair! This activity chair allows Scarlet to eat, play and interact with the family without having to lay on the floor all the time – a priceless gift for a priceless little girl. Thanks goes to the Ian Spindler Memorial Golf Tournament for supplying Wishes & More® with means necessary to grant this wish for Scarlet.