
Ryder is the 5th of six kids and he is as happy as they come!  When we met this smiley guy, he was still receiving chemo for Leukemia and his parents wanted to wait until he was a little older to determine the best wish for their little guy.  After staying in touch throughout the winter months, we received news in the spring that Ryder was officially in remission and they were ready for the excitement of a wish!  Ryder loves music and being outside spending time with his siblings. They decided that a handicapped accessible playset would be the best wish for Ryder because he would be able to enjoy it independently and with his siblings for years to come!  June was just a little too rainy for the playset to be installed, but our amazing volunteers and wish adopters from Ian’s Legacy brought out a Summer Fun accessory pack to keep the wish momentum going. Among other outdoor toys, he was gifted a special sign from Signs Now in Blaine.  He loved his “Ryder’s playset” sign and enjoyed playing with it before it was proudly displayed.  Once the rain slowed, the playset was installed and mom let us know, “Ryder’s favorite part of the new playset is the ramp!  Thank you guys again sooo much! He loves it, and we put a small pool under it that fits perfectly!”  Another recent update indicates that there is an 86% chance that he has beaten Leukemia! Keep fighting, Ryder, and enjoy your Summer of Play! 

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