In December of 2023, Megan a 17-year-old from Chanhassen, heard the news of a diagnosis of mature b-cell lymphoma after a bone marrow biopsy was used to investigate a tumor in her femur. In the past nine months, she has undergone surgery and a blood transfusion, along with hospital visits, scans, meds, lumbar punctures, chemo, hair loss and more. After doctors updated her status to “Cancer-Free,” she was excited to celebrate by focusing her attention on selecting a wish! During her wish interview, she shared her top choice was a car allowance to relieve the effort of sharing a vehicle with her mom and would allow her more daily freedom. One of the WAM volunteers who interviewed Megan to learn about her wish choices is the mother of a former wish kid whose husband works for a local car dealership. When the volunteer brought this news back to her husband, he said he’d be on the lookout for the perfect fit… and he found it! We heard from multiple people that Megan was “beyond excited” with the find and she can now be spotted around town in a fabulous little Nissan Sentra. After Megan received her car, we put together a car essentials gift basket and that same volunteer was able to drop it off to her. Megan’s mom shared the following messages, “That basket of gifts for Meg’s car was absolutely amazing!!! Sooooo kind, thoughtful and perfect!!” and “It’s difficult to express the depth of our gratitude in words…we really appreciate this gift from Wishes & More!!!” We are grateful for all our amazing volunteers, but when a wish family is able to support another wish recipient, it just hits a little different. Wishing Megan continued health, clear scans, and amazing adventures ahead!

Posted in Goods & Gadgets Wishes, Wish-Stories