OOctober was a busy month for Landon, a darling, five-year-old who is battling Leukemia. After five rounds of chemo, this little guy was ready to experience his wish, but not before he and his two brothers met Batman! Through a special partnership between Wishes & More and Super Heroes With Super Kids Foundation, Landon and his family had the opportunity to experience the Superhero Command Center with the iconic 1994 Batmobile for an afternoon of entertainment and exciting adventure! His family received a special treat for the three brothers – they took a ride in the Batmobile AND the Scooby Doo Mystery Machine! One week after his Superhero Experience, Landon and his family headed off to Florida for a week of sunshine, parks and smiles galore for his once-in-a-lifetime wish trip! Grandma came along for the fun, and they loved every minute of the sights and sounds of Disney and Give Kids The World. In his wish interview, we learned that Landon is a big fan of LEGOs, so we know he loved his day at LEGOLAND as well! Now that they’re back in MN, Landon is keeping up with his studies in Kindergarten. Join us in wishing him a great school year!

Posted in Disney World Wishes, Wish-Stories