We had the pleasure of following Emmett’s medical journey from nearly the very beginning until the very end. This sweet boy came to Wishes & More about a year ago when he was waiting for a bone marrow transplant at Mayo. He had been diagnosed with a rare disease called XLP2, and his doctors expected him to do well after the BMT. Since he loved the water, his family asked us about the possibility of bringing him to a pool for a private, germ-free swim session before his transplant – we got right on it, and we were happy to provide this bonus activity as he waited to be well enough for his wish! The Rochester Rec Center welcomed him and his family to their pool multiple times early in the day before they opened so he would have a peaceful splashing experience. We’re so glad we were able to offer this “MORE” opportunity before the going got even tougher for this little warrior. As expected, his BMT last November went swimmingly and he had the best 100 days of his life – Emmett loved to play, dance, talk, and just be with his big sister and adoring parents. We had just started to plan his wish to visit the Omaha Zoo, when he developed graft vs. host disease of the stomach, and it later moved to his lungs. He returned to Mayo for treatment and his family hoped and prayed for a new medication that would help him recover and thrive. Sadly, his fragile body had suffered too much and he couldn’t take it, and after waking up with a fever on September 3, and maxing out on respiratory support, his parents and doctors knew that it was time. After a peaceful day of saying goodbye, crying, snuggling, laughing, and talking to him, Emmett’s family lost their precious boy that evening. We are heartbroken that we didn’t have the chance to create a beautiful wish experience for him to enjoy with his big sister and loving parents; however, in lieu of his wish, Emmett’s family will receive our Memorial financial gift. Along with his family, we will always remember sweet Emmett and his beautiful smile as he remains forever 18-months-old.

Posted in Memorial Stories, Wish-Stories