Seventeen-year-old Ellis was known for his infectious laugh and his kindness to others. He loved spending time with family and expressing his zest for life in many encouraging ways. His plans and dreams included enrolling in the US Military and ultimately becoming an inventor of video games and a pastor. All those dreams were shattered when he began experiencing pain in his back and down his leg. On Father’s Day his parents brought him into the hospital where he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. His two older brothers and loving parents had just one week to digest this agonizing news before he lost his life. Wishes & More immediately supported this grief-struck family with memorial funding; however, we cannot even fathom the hurt his loss has caused those who loved and were touched by this gentle teen. After receiving the funds, Dad shared, “Thank you so much for the generous support. It’s greatly appreciated and we’re grateful. Ellis was an amazing son. Very respectful with a beautiful soul. May God richly bless you and the wish foundation.” We are incredibly grateful that donations to Wishes & More allow us to support families like Ellis’. We cannot take away their hurt, but we can show them how much we care.

Posted in Memorial Stories, Wish-Stories