Curran, a down-to-earth and fun-loving 18 year-old, was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and began his difficult but inspiring journey. Through chemo, hospital stays, good days, and bad days, Curran impressed everyone around him by holding his head high, taking things one day at a time, and maintaining a positive attitude. Curran cherished the support of his family, who constantly reminded him that his illness “is not forever.” Curran rejoiced in the spring of 2012 when the good news came that his bone marrow was free of leukemia cells. Curran began to make solid plans for his future – finishing high school, preparing for college at the University of Minnesota, and celebrating his bright future. Wishes & More® was thrilled to contribute to Curran’s celebration of life by granting his wish for a Best Buy shopping spree!

Posted in Goods & Gadgets Wishes, Wish-Stories