According to Wish Kid Cole, his wish day was his “Best. Day. Ever!” It was Summer 2023 when he complained to his parents of a persistent headache and started acting a bit off, then his face started to droop on the left side and his parents became alarmed. A CT scan revealed a brain mass and bleed and he was diagnosed with an aggressive three-inch brain tumor. His doctors removed most of it, and Cole started radiation and chemotherapy in September. And the recent good news is that his MRI and lumbar puncture showed no signs of tumor growth! This 15-year-old from Center City has changed a lot as a result of the baseball-sized tumor – but one thing that hasn’t changed is his love of baseball and outdoor adventures. While he isn’t able to play ball any longer, he is able to enjoy a good ATV ride! He asked Wishes & More for a new four-wheeler, as he’s now 6’3″ and has outgrown his old one. His family owns land to ride on, and he loves the independence an ATV gives him to explore. Our ever-faithful supporters, Jan and Jeff Lynn hosted his special surprise at their local business, Crabtree’s Garden Gate. Cole arrived thinking he was helping his parents pick up a lawn mower, and a big smile spread across his face when he saw the ATV speed towards him from behind the store – and that’s when he declared what a great day it was! He wasted no time dusting the cobwebs off his helmet and heading off to enjoy an inaugural ride! We are incredibly thankful for Kyle and team from River Valley Power & Sport for being wish contributors and delivering the ATV to the wish reveal and then to the family’s home; and Jan & Jeff Lynn for helping us set up this surprise and encouraging their incredible customers at Crabtree’s Garden Gate to contribute to Cole’s wish during their July Round-Up event! It’s amazing what our community partners allow us to do – another wish come true!