
Josh had a rather rough time during 2014 . Not only did he have a hard time with treatment side effects, he also relapsed 3 times with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. In the hospital again and trying to keep a positive outlook that this time the drugs and therapy would work so he can beat the cancer that has him down, Wishes & More® gave him something to smile about. Volunteers delivered a special package to Children’s in Minneapolis with Josh’s name on it. Josh’s family was also there to share in the surprise of a special carrot cake and lots of gift cards! Josh’s wish was for a shopping spree, but since he couldn’t get to the mall – we brought the “cyber mall” to him with gift cards ready to rock! We know that he wanted to be able to buy gifts for his family, but we’re hoping he spends a lot of it on himself. A huge thanks goes to Steve and Charlotte Garske for funding this unexpected cyber experience!


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