At two months old, Chandler underwent his first open heart surgery and after complications, more procedures and lots of hospital time, he finally went home in July. When we met with his family, they shared how much they love spending time outdoors together. Whether it’s going on walks, playing on their playset, hiking, or camping, Chandler’s mom said, “Outside is our happy place.” Their family’s love for the outdoors inspired Chandler’s wish for an indoor/outdoor toys shopping spree. On November 25th, Chandler’s wish was granted! A Wonderfold Wagon, Splash & Grow Water Table, Rocket Swing & Playhouse were delivered and set up just in time for him to enjoy before his second heart surgery on December 2nd and will easily move to the backyard when spring arrives. As Chandler recovers from surgery, the family is hopeful they’ll bring him home to Lonsdale in time to celebrate Christmas. We’re already looking forward to seeing photos of his outdoor adventures this spring!

Posted in Home & Backyard Wishes, Wish-Stories