
Just like a typical two-year-old, Josiah is a very energetic little guy who loves to be on-the-move and exploring outside! Some of his favorite activities include dancing, opening and closing everything, and interacting with everyone he meets. Sadly, in his short life, he has already endured lengthy hospitalizations and a stem cell transplant to treat a brain tumor; consequently, he has missed many months of outdoor play due to being hospitalized. After our wish wizards spoke with Mom, it was clear that a playset in his own backyard would fulfill a true wish for Josiah! We were thrilled to let his Mom know we could grant this wish for him – and just a day after we dropped the news, she and Josiah made a trip to the Rainbow St Cloud showroom to pick out his playset! Less than a week later, his wish was delivered and the fun began and his mom sat on the swing and cried.  These tears of joy came from the anticipation of the amazing memories they will make with this very special wish. We are so happy to provide meaningful memories for this little guy and want to thank the Noisy Coin collectors from Bethel Lutheran Church in Willmar, along with Mac & Ronda Habicht for being wish contributors and enhancing the wish with a “Summer Fun Pack” including a beach ball and other colorful outdoor toys!  These financial & in-kind donations were given to WAM in Memory of Ian Spindler to have his legacy live on through wishes like Josiah’s.

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