Three-year-old Harrison was diagnosed with a brain tumor in March 2022. Immediately after discovering the clementine size mass on his 2-year-old brain, he was admitted to the hospital to relieve the fluid buildup and for surgery to have the tumor removed. His parents were stunned, and it was especially difficult for his Dad to process this devastating news because he, himself, had also undergone a serious diagnosis of Leukemia during his senior year of High School. It was hard for him to comprehend the conversations about a treatment protocol for his little boy without remembering the rigid treatment schedule that he experienced and now he would go through it again as a father. In 2008, Wishes & More granted a wish for Dad (James) and 15 years later he experienced another wish come true, but this one was for his son. Harrison’s wish was to meet his favorite superheroes and his family had a blast watching him take in the magic of Disney! Mom wrote afterwards, “The trip was absolutely AMAZING! …the most magical part was Give Kids The World. We are so grateful for everything you did for us. This truly was a trip of a lifetime. Harrison had such a great time and especially LOVED meeting all of his favorite superheroes. The safari at Animal Kingdom was also a favorite.” We are honored that we are now a generational wish granting charity – supporting James in 2008 and now his son Harrison in 2023!

Posted in Disney World Wishes, Wish-Stories